
What I’ve Been Up To: January 26, 2021

Getting Back to a Training Cycle

I’ve been using the last few weeks of my running to get back in gear so to speak. My running was pretty sporadic with the holidays, so I decided to enter my training period in January like I always do.

My “off-season” is usually around October to the end of the year and I start training for whatever Spring marathon I’m going to run in after the new year. This year I’m training for a half-marathon that isn’t. I’m hoping by the time I’m done, there will be one I can sign up for.

I do so much better when I have something to train for. Even if it’s a plan I put together myself, something written down is just good for me.

This cycle though, I’m going to try out the Garmin Coach function on my watch and see what that is like.

So far it is so-so. My watch seems confused for some reason, and marks that I’ve run a mile when I get the GPS signal. Only while I run though. When I’m done, the workout for the training that day shows the right mileage.

Besides that glitch, the training itself is pretty easy at this point. I’ve been completing the workout and then adding more mileage. The plan has you answers some questions before it sets up your running for the week, and one of them is how much mileage you usually do. I’m wondering why the first 2 weeks is having me run so few miles on my non-long run days.

It’s cool that the watch is supposed to adapt to my running to either up the intensity/pace or lower it, so I’m interested to see how that goes. The watch will ask how you felt after a run (was it easy, hard, too easy, moderate, etc.) and determine with that and also the paces you’re running during the workouts.

Chicago Marathon?

It looks like the Chicago marathon is planning to be in person this year. Since it is in October, I’m hoping that’s the case! I’ve gotten an “invite” of sorts, since I time qualify for guaranteed entry. I haven’t decided if I’m going to do it or not, but I have until February 18. Do I want to train all summer? I’ll let you know!