
training for a fall marathon in the summer heat

Summer 2019 Training Update

Here we are in August already.

Buffalo had a hard time recovering from winter, but when it did…boy did she decide to heat up!

Running this summer has been solely in shorts and t-shirts, which is great. I am not complaining. I promised I wouldn’t after the winter.

Chicago Marathon

One huge difference this year over last is that I am training for the Chicago Marathon.

Last year, I was trying for a sub-2 hour half and a lot of the summer was spent doing speed work.

I reached my goal, and had a good time incorporating new workouts into my training.

This year is all about endurance, so while I have been doing less speed work, I have been doing longer runs.

In the heat, that can be tricky. I am lucky that I can choose when to do my runs and in the summer that means as early as possible.

We also moved from a condo on the Buffalo waterfront to a house in Elmwood Village (condo for sale, btw!).

The move was as stressful as moves often are, and my running suffered a bit in the weeks surrounding it.

Once again, I am using the book Everything Running for the training, adjusting as I go.

I used this book for my first marathon and I liked the mileage.

One thing much different this cycle is I am now a RRCA certified coach, so I am much more confident in laying out my own plan while using the book as a guide.

Fall Running Goals

Since I will also be running a half-marathon in September, I had to look at what my ultimate goals would be for the fall.

I ran my first sub 2-hour half at the Mighty Niagara Half last year, and came in first for my age group. I had to decide if I was going to train for a PR (and defend my “title”) or use it just as a training run and try to get a marathon PR at Chicago.

While I would love to be able to come in first again, I am not so sure that is possible this year.

I had an advantage last year, I think, because it was so hot. While heat does affect me some, I do pretty well keeping up the pace in it.

If we have a cool day, other runners may be at the top of their game and blow me away.

Since I have never run Chicago (and also have never been out of the airport there), I am thinking it may be unrealistic to try and PR.

Basically, my goal is to have fun and do the best I can. I have heard it takes up to 16 miles into that marathon before you really have any room to go forward. Since I am a pretty consistent negative splitter, as a strategy that will be great. But, it may be too late at that point to really drive forward and PR.

Cross-Training Woes

After my surgery in January, when I was able to get a lot of cross-training in and set up good habits during Buffalo Marathon season I thought it would hold over until now.

Not so. I have not done anything that can be considered cross-training in quite awhile. I know that needs to change. It is so hard, though, with all the stuff that needs to be done in the new house.

Getting out for a run can be problematic enough. Fitting in yoga, a spin class or strength training is really at the bottom of my list at this point.

I know I need to do it. I need to make it a priority again, and if I schedule it into my day like an appointment I will be much more likely to do it.

Looking to the Off-Season

This year my racing season will be stretched longer than it ever has been.

When looking at how to structure my running for my “off-season”, I am going to work out a plan for myself that also incorporates more cross-training as we go into winter.

Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations and travel mean I have to have a written plan, otherwise it is too easy for me to just toss physical fitness by the wayside.

There is also a lot of food!


In October, I will be able to say I am officially in menopause. I know with that I will be more susceptible to weight gain and hormone changes.

Keeping my fitness up will be important to combat that, and keep me active. Once you fall into a cycle of not moving enough it can be next to impossible to get back into the swing of things.

I want to stay as active as possible for the rest of my life, and since I have embraced running that will go a long way to accomplishing that.