
computer and iPad resources for running

My Internet Running Resources

Today I am going to share with you some websites geared for runners that I like to visit or use for training information. This is more of a personal list, not an exhaustive “best of the web” type post (but I am working on that)!

Hit the comment link if you have any websites I should check out!

Some of these have paid areas or membership-type websites, which I haven’t done for any of them (yet). So my experience with them is on whatever free version of the website they have.


Runyoung50- Blog about women runners over 50, has a great list of blogs to check out (recently updated) and thoughts from Katie. She started running at age 47 and is fitter now (at 55) than ever.

Run to the finish by Amanda Brooks- distance runner, certified personal trainer. half marathon training, reviews and recipes. I’m using a lot of her carb loading advice as I try to figure out this whole taper thing.– by Jackie Dikos (the site I got my homemade sports drink recipe from) Book- Finish Line Fueling, recipes and nutrition for the runner. I am reading this book now, and will be reviewing it shortly.– Chrissy Carroll- dietitian, personal trainer, recipes, running and race reviews, workouts, nutrition.– Running for Real- podcasts, blogger, twitter. I recently read a blog post (and re-tweeted it!) about struggling with running easy, and being afraid we are going to lose fitness or not get faster if we don’t kill ourselves with every run. I really needed to hear it while tapering, since I am getting nervous about the marathon and feeling like I’m not doing enough and won’t be prepared!

Informational websites:– lots of good information, listen to the podcast with Stephanie Kay Atwood- very personable and fun to listen to the interviews plus very informative. Sign up to the website so you can see and use the resources (training plans, nutrition info, etc.) There are paid training plans you can buy, but the free resources available are very good! If you race, you can enter your info and you will get an encouraging email from them with links guiding you to posts and resources that will help you.– training using the run/walk method- great for beginner runners, older runners, injury recovery, etc. I talk about an app I use for run/walking here.

runners– website for magazine-speaks for itself, covers all things running, tons of info!– website attached to the book I used (link to post) for marathon training and advice lots of information, look under psychological issues tab for a good article on goal setting (this is the only place I’ve ever read to remember to clip toenails before a race…GREAT advice!) – spending lots of time on this site as I write this post at the beginning of my taper

halhigdon– training programs- good initial training programs for novice runners, even has training for post-marathon which I want to do.

training programs- all over the internet- personal trainers/etc. have their own sites with programs to check out. see where they are starting and what looks like it matches what you are currently doing


Flipboard– running, marathon, 5k, – enter what you are interested in and they will generate stories for you- found a lot of good info all in one place and interesting blogs and websites

Fleet Feet– store- find your city or go to – usually offers running groups and other training sessions, in store running shoe help

time calculator– I use an apple watch for my workouts and sometimes forget to turn it off right away which throws off my time for the whole run- calculator lets you input “time” (I use my splits) to find out how long my run actually was- I know I could figure it out manually…but math is the bane of my existence

Suggestions for Twitter/Instagram:

-Whatever running shoes you have the company probably has a Twitter and Instagram account.

-If you are fairly loyal to a few clothing brands, check and see if they have social media accounts.

-My instagram is over in the sidebar…click to join me!

Most elite runners have accounts, as well as major running websites. Here are the ones I follow on Twitter:

Amanda Brooks –@runtothefinish

Molly Huddle-@MollyHuddle

Shalene Flanagan-@ShaleneFlanagan

Kara Goucher-@karagoucher

Meb Keflezighi-@runmeb

Bart Yasso-@BartYasso

Tina Muir-@tinamuir

Runners Connect-@RunnersConnect

Run Young 50-@RunYoung50

While you’re at it, follow me on Twitter! The Wrinkled Runner-@Wrinkledrunner1

A lot of blogs and sites make lists of running resources to fit what you would like to do, also check out Pinterest and make boards for different aspects of running like mileage (marathon, half, 5k, etc.).

Here is a list of the boards I have on the Wrinkled Runner Pinterest account. Follow me so you can see all of it! I pin quite regularly, not just stuff from the blog but things I find from all over Pinterest.

My Pinterest Boards-

Recipes for Runners

Wrinkled Runner Blog Posts

General Fitness-fitness pins other than running

Running Resources

Half Marathon


Blogging Food-recipes that are on the blog

Foam Rolling

Destination Runs




Cross Training

General Life-for when I find an interesting pin that has nothing to do with running


Running Injuries-what to do when you have them

Mileage Training Other then the Marathon or Half Marathon- couch to 5k, 10k training, etc.

Inspiration-mostly quotes, but sometimes articles that are inspiring as well

Run Fun-for those who like color runs, costumes, etc.

Healthy Food-not necessarily fueling food or specifically for runners, but healthy none the less

Destinations- travel in general-running in another place is awesome!

Just Food-for when you want to just eat the donut!

Useful Running Tools-gear, apps, clothing etc. to help you on your runs

WR Original Content-a place to dump EVERYTHING from the Wrinkled Runner-Posts, Recipes, YouTube content, etc.

I will update this as I find more resources that I use consistently.

Now that summer is almost here, and training will be lower after the marathon, I am interested in reading some books about running. Do you have any favorites I should check out?