
marathon taper Lake Erie Basin Marina

Buffalo Marathon Taper Recap

Oh, the dreaded taper. I’ve heard that runners can get very cranky while cutting down their mileage and that all sorts of ailments can pop up to drive you batty.

It’s kind of like your body finally getting sick when you go on vacation!

So far, the only issue I have had is a pain in my right shoulder-blade. I THINK my pillow is to blame. I’m ordering a new one today!

Mostly, though, I am feeling good. Pretty rested and so far my eating hasn’t caused any issues with bloating or ridiculous weight gain now that I am not running as often.

Glycogen Grams and Water Weight

One thing I’ve learned is that for every gram of glycogen that is stored because of carb consumption (something you want for the race), approximately 3 grams of water is also stored! This is good on race day to help stave off dehydration. It is also reassuring to know that as I consume more carbs in the days ahead and possibly gain a few pounds, it is really just water weight.

Of course, going nuts in the food department is not recommended either. I am trying to be smart about my eating (whole, real foods instead of lots of snacks or sugar). There is a balance between storing up glycogen and bloating yourself up so much the race is miserable!

I am pretty confident in my training, and in looking at the times from the over 20-mile runs I did I think I will finish well. Getting nervous is pretty standard, even for elite runners, so I am trying to stay as calm as I can and visualize the end of the race and completing it!

My Support is Key to my Training

My husband has been my greatest cheerleader through the training. Even signing up to run the half-marathon to keep me on track with pacing and my spirits up. I am so grateful to have someone who is focused on helping me be my best. He has always been my greatest supporter for the 30+ plus years we have been married. I can’t put into words how much he means to me.

Mid-week Carb Ick

Instead of a yogurt for breakfast, I had an egg sandwich using a bagel thin. The calories are lower than a regular size bagel, but the carb count is still high.

I ate a lot of carbs, trying to get up to the 306 grams a calculator online said I should have. YUCK!!!

When I woke up on Thursday I felt like I had swallowed cement. I knew I would never run my best if I continued to eat like I had the day before and felt like I did.

I searched again for a plan that didn’t have me eating so much, and I decided to take the advice I thought would work better for me.

48 hours out, I started to gently carb-load…eating things like sweet potatoes with maple syrup, shrimp and vegetables with pasta, some bread with dinner and some Clif Bloks. I was looking for higher carb items that wouldn’t fill my stomach up so badly.

24 hours out I had a breakfast sandwich at a bakery/restaurant we love. They make their own english muffins and I have cheesy eggs and bacon on it. Probably not the most nutritious, but I’ve run many long runs having had that for breakfast so I know I can tolerate it.

For lunch, I had pizza and I another Clif blok pack. I also ate apples, blueberries, and a banana. I drank a pressed juice beverage from Wegmans that had beets, carrots, and apples in it.

For dinner, I had a rice bowl at our favorite Japanese place. It filled me up but didn’t feel like a dead weight.

Tapers are as boring as this post!

So I’m reading over this post as I get ready to publish, and GOSH IT’S BORING!! Sorry about that!

You know what though, so was the taper.

Agonizing over every bite of food and trying to sit around and rest can get tedious.

I didn’t get super irritable or snap at my family, but I couldn’t wait to get to the race!

When my taper week was finally over and we were heading to packet pick up, I was really starting to get excited!

Ruffalo Stampede 2018
Ruffalo Stampede…Fundraiser 1K with dogs to benefit the K9 Unit of the Buffalo Police

Next Friday I’ll be re-capping the marathon! I can’t believe it will be over!