
top 10 wrinkledrunner YouTube videos from 2019

Top 10 Wrinkled Runner YouTube Channel Videos

This is a little late due to life, but here is the annual list of the Top 10 YouTube videos from 2019 with a description and links to each.

  1. Runners and Insomnia– As an older female runner, I have had to deal with insomnia. I’ve had some success getting a good night sleep with the tactics I include in this video.
  2. UCAN Review– UCAN is a source of sustained energy that I use before a long run. It is a SuperStarch® that allows the user to store up the carbs needed without that sugar crash that can happen with other kinds of carb loading. When I use this, I can go for longer periods without having to reload.
  3. How to Use Evernote as a Running Journal– I like to keep track of my runs and include things like the weather and what I wore in addition to the mileage and time. I use Evernote and this is a tutorial based on that. But, this also shows you what I include to give you ideas for your own journal.
  4. Running in the Armstrong Redwood Park– Funny this is one of the Top 10, but people seem to like watching other people run! This park is located in California near the Russian River. We spent a Christmas there, and two of my boys ran along and acted as my film crew.
  5. Review of the book Mindful Running by Mackenzie L. Havey. Interesting read about how to run mindfully and exercises you can do to help guide you.
  6. How to Set Up an Athlinks Account– When I had to prove my marathon time to the Chicago Marathon to get a guaranteed entry last year, I needed to set up an Athlinks Account. This tutorial shows you how to do that. Even if you don’t need to prove a time, it is cool to have all your races and times in one spot.
  7. The Wrinkled Runner Marathon Checklist– For $1.99 I provide a checklist that includes the reasoning behind everything and questions to ask yourself in the days leading up to your first marathon. This “checklist” is really a booklet.
  8. Hair Care for Runners over 50– For a lot of us, aging hair is much thinner and can be hard to keep healthy. Especially as a runner, my hair goes through a lot! Sweat and pony tails all the time can wreak havoc! I have found some things that help.
  9. Honey Bites from Finish Line FuelingThese energy bites are made of real food and both my husband and I love them!
  10. Keeping Up Your Fitness When You Can’t Run– For a few weeks before I was to start marathon training, I had to stay off my legs because of some minor surgery. Since I knew I was going to have to jump right into training when I was cleared, I had to find ways to keep up fitness.