
Running with My Buddy

running partner
My Running Buddy (also my husband, Dave)

On a lot of runs, I am able to run with my husband.  I love having a running buddy.

It makes running feel easier most of the time, since we can talk and share life with someone that I love.

It also helps when we can motivate each other OR make sure one of us isn’t going out too hard.

Even if you usually run alone, running with someone else once in a while can break up a training rut and you may be surprised that you enjoy it!

If you are interested in running with a group, check out your local running store or go to the Road Runners Club of America website to look for a club near you.

You may just find a new friend and someone to share your running journey with.

Here are some great benefits of having a running buddy:

  1. They can help get you out the door: Winter has been hanging on HARD in Buffalo and some days you look outside and want to huddle in a blanket. Having someone who encourages you to get dressed and get out there is great to have. We never get to the end of the run and wished we had just stayed inside.
  2. They can keep you from putting yourself at risk of injury: Both my husband and I can be “running dumb” in different ways, lol. I tend to start out too fast and he can pull me back so I don’t tap out too soon. He likes to aggressively cross streets as if everyone is just going to magically stop. Or go full bore on sheets of ice like we aren’t in our 50’s and won’t go down if the balance isn’t right. I feel like I should be credited with saving both our lives or at least our legs multiple times!
  3. They can remind you to drink or snack as needed: Sometimes I get so “in the groove” I forget on super hot days or long runs that I need to hydrate. Even just seeing someone else take a drink or bite of carb can remind you to do the same.
  4. They can push you to do more: On the flip side of helping you not go out too hard, there are times you can definitely do more. Both of us can encourage each other to drive up a hill with more speed, go another mile or two or pick up the pace.
  5. They can encourage you to stop and smell the roses: We can get so caught up in the run we miss the beauty around us. Having someone who can point out an interesting building or something cool on the other side of the street makes the runs that much more enjoyable.
  6. They can help you solve the world’s problems: OK, maybe not the WHOLE world’s, but our little corner of it. If your running partner is also a friend or significant other, you can get so lost in meaningful conversation the miles just fly by.

Having a running buddy may mean different things to different people. but I very much enjoy my time with mine.

There is a place for running alone too, and next week I’ll be talking about that.

Do you run with a buddy? What are some of the things you love about it? It’s not all candy and roses sometimes, lol…what are some of the ways it can be annoying?