
resources for older runners

Online Resources for Older Runners

When I first started to run I was like a lot of middle aged women…I did it to burn calories and lose weight.

“Back then” (about 13 years ago), running was not on my radar and I knew little about it.

I had no idea there were specific shoes and clothes and watches and plans and coaches for every day people.

My “training” consisted of going to a park that had a bike path around it and walking for a mile, jogging for a quarter, walking a mile and jogging for another quarter.

That quarter became a half, then three quarters and finally I could walk a mile and run a mile.

By the end of my first year I could run three miles comfortably.

I had never heard of Jeff Galloway (Run/Walk/Run™), or anyone else in the running world for that matter.

My computer was mainly used for email and recipes.

Nowadays, anyone who wants to get in the sport of running has literally the whole world to rely on for information.

Those of us who are older can sometimes get lost in the shuffle.

Don’t get me wrong…running is running and just because we are older doesn’t mean we can’t get out and crush whatever we want to do.

It also doesn’t mean we can’t get better. I am living proof that the best days can still be ahead.

But, I am also not going to get on a college running forum and talk about my first hot flash on a run (horrible…it was in the summer) or that running and menopause is absolutely killing my hair (I talk about that in a YouTube video).

Running Resources for Older Runners


The Wrinkled Runner- you’re on it, lol! I also “pin” regularly to The Wrinkled Runner Pinterest account, so there are a lot of good bloggers and running information over on those boards.

Run Young 50– Very inspiring blog written by an over 50 runner in the UK. She has some interviews with older women runners and blog lists (which I’m not going to poach by listing the blogs she has curated, but please go to her site and take a look). Follow her on Twitter as she posts many stories about older women runners that the world needs to hear.

Still A Runner– blog by Mary Lou Harris- she is an RRCA certified race director, ultra and trail runner and has been blogging since 2012.

Senior Runners– Different articles for the senior runner

Runners World- What Over-50 Runners Need to Know Before They Start

Prevention- 8 Crucial Things Runners Over 50 Do To Stay Pain-Free

High50- Kate Battersby article

YouTube- 2nd Act Tv- Running After 50

My Year of Running Dangerously by Tom Foreman- Tom is a journalist for CNN, and a runner. This book is so funny and speaks to me so much about what it’s like to run over 50.

NY Times- Taking Up Running After 50? It’s Never Too Late to Shine

Runners Connect (website)- 9 New Ways to Stay Motivated as an Older Runner

Runners Connect (YouTube channel)- with Pete Magill, Training as a Masters Runner

Strength Running- How to Combat the Effects of Aging

Jenny Hadfield- Running Through Menopause

There is more out there if you search, but unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a ton if you are looking for older runner information specifically.

If you have other resources that you utilize that speak to older runners, please let me know and I will check them out and add them to the list!