
Overview of the RRCA Couch to 5K Run/Walk training for new runners

Beginning Running: Building Up to a 30 Minute Run

For many runners who start in middle age like I did, going all out the first time we run is not a great idea. I mean, it’s not for anyone of any age…but those of us who are older could really do some immediate damage!

Injuries can happen quickly, especially in a runner who doesn’t build up.

Start Where You Are

I know that it is tempting to want quick results so we try to get out and get to where we want to be as a runner way before we are ready. That attitude can easily lead to burnout and injury. Starting slowly and working towards a realistic goal in a safe way is the key to keep motivation high and our bodies in good working order.

I recently put together a plan for a client who just had a baby and wanted to get back into running. After cautioning her to go slow and not try to get to where she was previously in her running a few years ago, she was thrilled to be able to work back up to a good base and sign up for a half-marathon within a few months.

Had she tried to go out and run what she was used to (this is someone who has run a marathon) after not doing so for at least a year and a half, she could have easily gotten injured, disillusioned and burned out before she really even began.

RRCA Run/Walk Program

The plan included in this post is one that you can use to get up to a 30- minute run in 10 weeks. You will run for 3 days of your choosing in the beginning, and work up to 5 days by the end. Plan for rest days in between running days to start…don’t try to cram the workouts in consecutive days.

As you work your way up to running 4 and 5 days you will start needing to run back to back. If you find it takes longer to recover (and as we get older that happens more and more), take an extra day.

This link will direct you to the plan put out by the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA). I have my coaching certification through this organization and recommend the use of this plan for new runners.

Make sure before you begin you check out the First Steps page to begin.

As a coach, I would love to tell you to get strength training done on the off days or do something else like biking or swimming. That will be up to you to decide. My intention is to get you running!

Before you embark on this plan you need to talk to your doctor about whether running is right for you and any health issues you may have. I am working off the assumption that you can walk for 30 minutes with no problems.

If you are not able to walk at least 30 minutes, start out building to a 30-minute walk.

The Runners Blueprint Plan

David Dack from The Runners Blueprint has put together a plan just for my readers. It is a run/walk plan as well but has a few differences. You can compare the plans and see which you would like to try. 


What Should My Goals Be?

With the running plan, do not worry about pace. Run easy, so that you can talk. If you are alone scale your running so that it is about a 2 or 3 (for effort) on a scale of 1-10 if you don’t want to talk to yourself out loud, lol.

It may seem during the first or second week when you are only running for 1 or 2 minutes with 3 or 4 minutes of walking that “this is easy”…and for a lot of you it will be.

Resist the temptation to suddenly start running for 15 minutes or longer without a good build-up. You will get there! Just remember that in a few weeks you may be missing the ease of these early runs so enjoy them.

Your goal with this plan is to be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping. Not get to a certain distance.

If at any time during this training, you need to stop running during the RUN time please do so. Pushing yourself can lead to injury. Don’t sacrifice yourself to one run! Everyone has bad days, just accept it and look to the next run.

Tweaking the Plan

Tweaking your training for yourself is something we all need to learn to do. This plan is not set in stone, and you can do what you need to do to make it right for you.

If something is not working for you, or you need some encouragement or ideas on how to tweak it, do let me know! I can be reached at