
Raintree Island Apartments trail

Running with NUUN electrolyte Tablets

I found these electrolyte replacement tablets at my Wegman’s and decided to try them for my runs. It also has caffeine for an added boost of energy and since I am addicted to coffee, I thought why not?

I have an issue with my legs and feet cramping up a few hours after a run, so my suspicion is I am not replacing my electrolytes efficiently. This supplement has magnesium, potassium and sodium in so I was hoping to have less of the cramping.

There are other reasons why cramping may be an issue, but dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can contribute to the condition. If you are cramping in other areas besides just one, you may be experiencing imbalance.

We do lose electrolytes as we sweat, and that can cause muscular and nervous system issues. Replacing these during something like a marathon, is good for performance. You can become irritable, dizzy and worse if you get out of balance! It is not something to mess with.

Making sure to replace what you are sweating out is so important. And even though water is everyone’s best friend, it will not replace all the things you will need to during a long run. In fact, if you are drinking too much water without replacing the electrolytes, you can be doing more harm than good!

Your body needs the sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium and chloride it is losing. I know after running 23 miles I was close to an imbalance. I could hear my feet hitting the pavement (when I am running efficiently I can’t hear my foot-falls), I was super irritable (you lookin’ at ME, guy on the bike!?) and I was light-headed.

Other symptoms of electrolyte imbalance are muscle aches, anxiety, headache, irregular heartbeats, intestinal cramping/diarrhea, confusion, pain in the joints, blood pressure issues and extreme fatigue.

So yeah, a long run or marathon is hard enough without those issues!

There are various ways of replacing these, and for a runner drinking something can be the simplest way. I have shared the homemade version I use (here), and I am really liking the NUUN tablets as well. It is always good to have options! Be sure to test anything new you use before an actual race so you know how your body tolerates it.

Tonawanda Rail to Trails Buffalo, NY
Tonawanda Rail to Trails

Tonawanda Rails to Trails

If you are in the Buffalo area, and you’re looking for a great path to run I highly recommend checking out the Tonawanda Rails to Trails path. We started out at the Lasalle Metro Station on Main St. in Buffalo and ran the full trail all the way out to State Street in Tonawanda.

The trail starts to the right of Shoshone Park. There is a large parking lot next to the Lasalle Station, or you can take the train and get off right at the station. Head to the back of the station and through the parking lot to find the trails beginning. 

The path itself was about 4.5 miles (although it doesn’t start measuring until Kenmore Ave. ). We had to do 12, so we did a mile and a half loop along State Street to Ellicott Creek Rd. and then along Colvin Blvd. and found the Raintree Trails.

Raintree Trail Buffalo, NY
Raintree Trail at the end of Colvin Blvd. Buffalo, NY

That jaunt at the halfway point allowed us to complete the 12 miles back where we started, which is mentally much better than having to run another 3 miles past the starting point.

The Mental Game of Running

Which brings me full circle…running can be such a mental game anyway, that things you can control (like de-hydration or replacing electrolytes) is really important to learn about and take seriously.

There is MUCH information out there…and a lot that can contradict…so research and find what is good for you. My training/fueling/sweat loss, etc. will be different from yours. While I share what is good for and makes sense to me, you have to do your own experimenting.

When you are armed with knowledge that then translates into becoming a better runner, you will be prepared for the self-doubt and those times when your brain wants you to quit.