
Run the World: Combining Vacation and Running

One of the great benefits of being a runner, is that no matter where I go, I can participate in my sport. Being able to go to another country on vacation and still be able to stay active and trained is something that is really important to me and my husband.

Dave is a world traveler for work, and also a great packer. He can fit his work clothes, and his running clothes and shoes in a carry on. I find that amazing!

When we travel together, it has been so much fun being able to explore wherever we are. We have stumbled on so many cool places that we would never had found on our own if we weren’t on a run.

Planning Your Runs:

There are many apps out there that can help you plan your run, if that is important to you. Dave and I tend to just go out and run come what may, but we do at least look at the area where we want to stay to see if the hotel or rental space is conducive to that.

If you are staying close to an airport, for example, we have found that it can be next to impossible to find a good running route. So even if you are the adventurous type, at least seeing if you can get anywhere to run from where you are staying without driving is a minimum.

Some of the websites you can use to find good routes are:

Great Runs

All Trails



Map my Run

Look at the weather at your destination, not just as a tourist but as a runner. What I wear in 65° F as a runner (shorts and t shirt) is very different than as a tourist (probably a sweater will be involved).

I have had a packing list in my possession for probably 20 years. Even though I travel quite a bit, I still read it through every time. When I haven’t, I can’t believe the stuff I have forgotten. Write down all the things you may need to run while you’re away and check them off every time.

My list: Note- I pack for 3 runs if I will have access to a washing machine. If not, I pack for 4 runs and hand wash at the hotel if I will need more than that.

running shirts

running bottoms (some trips may need pants and shorts)

sports bras



running belt (smaller one for phone only, bigger one with water bottles)



running shoes (my husband has forgotten these on more than one occasion)

carbs if in training

running watch/charger

hand washing detergent if necessary

garbage bags (I use these if we will be leaving our destination and either hand washed clothes haven’t fully dried, or we ran that morning…I do not want gross workout clothes touching anything)

blister bandaids (just in case)

Realistic Goals

I have been away several times while training for a marathon.

There are times in that training that I have had to adjust what I do that week (hello, changing up mileage when having to run on a cruise ship at 6am everyday on a treadmill). With a little smart tweaking, it can be done.

Whether you have a big goal race that you have to train for, or just want to make sure you get out “X” amount of times a week…make sure whatever you are wanting to accomplish running wise is not going to frustrate you. Vacation is for relaxing! Don’t turn into a super crab towards whoever you are interacting with because the 20 miler you were supposed to do can’t happen for whatever reason.

Think your training through. Be flexible.

If you are going to be doing a lot of walking, that is not the week to be planning super long runs. Don’t get caught without a plan. Adjustments may be necessary and doing that ahead of time will be far less stress inducing.

Running in New Locations

Safety comes first when running anywhere new.

With International cell phone plans not that expensive, I think it’s pretty important to have a working phone so you can map your way around if you get lost. In Paris, for example, the roads are all over the place so you may think you are heading towards one place but the street will end up in a different direction. Even though I knew how to get to the Seine from the hotel, I could not retrace my steps for the life of me.

Bring ID with you, or at least have your name and where you are staying along with you. When I lived in Shanghai, I had my name and where I lived in both English and Mandarin. I also included the company information where my husband worked and our drivers name and phone number.

On vacation, you should have something that has the name of the hotel and the phone number, along with the info of who to contact in an emergency.

You may also not be aware of the neighborhoods and what happens there, especially after dark. Stay in well populated areas, and if you are with someone on vacation, let them know where you will be running and how long it should take you. Look up running and whatever area or city you are in. There is always advice on how to fit in with the local customs and etiquette.

Running Ideas

Usually if you are on vacation, you have picked somewhere that has scenery. With the Map Apps we have access to, it should be fairly easy to find trails, parks, etc.

You can also see if there is a race to sign up for, pre-vacation. Destination races are a thing, just like weddings. Even if you are only running for fun, joining a local race can be inspiring.

Go Run! Tours

When I was in Paris, I signed up for a running tour with Go Run. This was AWESOME. You go to the website, pick your destination and then you can pick a tour.

I was pretty nervous, but I can not recommend it enough now that I have done it.

I signed up for a private tour. The company picks a local (who speaks your language) to show you both the famous sights along the way and the lesser known places. My guide was full of information, and we actually had a blast. It was pouring rain, but warm. We ran all over, covering 8 miles (you can also pick your mileage). Because of the heavy rain there were no other people at The Louve, the Eiffel Tower, the gardens we visited…everywhere we went we were the only ones there.

At the end he even sped up and paced me to end the run in the marathon pace I was shooting for, as I was training for the Charlotte Marathon at the time. So much fun!

If you take anything from this blog post, take this recommendation and sign up next time you go somewhere. I promise it will be well worth it.

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