
running through the holiday season

Running In the Holiday Season

Since next week (for me…for you it was last week) is Thanksgiving and we have family coming into town, I’ve been thinking about how I am going to keep up my fitness routines.

When we haven’t seen people in a long time, it is tempting to throw everything out the window except for eating and drinking…which seems to be a favorite past time for most people when someone comes for a visit.

Added to the mix, at least for us, is the holidays come during the winter here in Buffalo. So getting up in the dark and coldest part of the day to get a run in before everyone else gets up is not very appealing. Especially when we have probably been up late the night before.

So how can we keep ahead of the running game during the holiday season?

Run Streaks

One thing some runners do is commit to a “run streak”. Runners World really pushes this concept and does one in the summer between Memorial Day and Fourth of July AND between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.

The deal is to run at least 1 mile every day between those holidays.

Since I don’t normally run every day (I like to do strength training on my “off” days), I won’t be participating in that…it’s hard enough to get out the door on my planned run days in the winter. I have to put on layers and it can be such a process that to do that every day and then on some days only for a mile? Not happening.

But for some runners it is the challenge they need to help them keep up a fitness plan. If you are not used to running every day, though, consider whether that kind of challenge is right for your body. Injury is not worth it!

Family Participation

I talked a few weeks ago about the pros and cons of running minutes over miles…one advantage is that I can say “Hey, I’m going for a (insert time frame here) minute run. See you soon!”

That way, I have a time limit and everyone knows when I will be back. I generally try to go out in the morning (though not super early) and it allows people to take a shower, get ready for the day, etc.

Even when I am visiting family in other parts of the world, I always plan on doing my runs. People start to expect that, and then it becomes no big deal to anyone.

If family is home or there is a full schedule of holiday chaos and it is a gym day I do dumbbells or kettlebells at home. Since I have chosen running as my sport, I can get away with incorporating that into the family routine. My gym days…not so much.

If you are new to running, it can be easy to skip it entirely if those you are with aren’t used to you going out. Just remember the fitness you have built up, and explain you don’t want to start from scratch again in January.

Better yet, invite friends and family to go with you. While everyone else is sitting in a food coma in the neighborhood, how much fun would a group run or run/walk be!

Advance Planning

Every year here in Buffalo, we have a Turkey Trot, as a lot of cities do. It is a fun way to do an 8K the morning of Thanksgiving. A lot of people are in costume, and it is less competitive….especially with 14,000 people participating! It takes awhile to get around!

And I’m having Thanksgiving this year. So with planning and making as much as possible ahead of time (and a cooperative son and daughter-in-law to put in the turkey) even if you are hosting one of the holiday meals, a run can be done.

Fitness Upkeep

Another thing that keeps me motivated is ALL THE FOOD!!! There are parties and large dinners and cookies, cookies, cookies at this time of year.

If I were to slack way off on my fitness routines, the new year would start out with a new me…and not in a good way.

I will also be starting my marathon training a little later than I want to in January. I have a mole on the back of my leg that my dermatologist wants removed, and I won’t be able to run for two weeks. So I really am motivated to keep up the workouts and runs this month so those two weeks of no running don’t set me back too much.

Definitely there will be days when I won’t make it out for a run. And I give myself the flexibility to accept that so it doesn’t stress me out.

With a little advance planning, though, I can still eat, spend time with family and have fun….and get out for a run!