
Peace Bridge from Broderick Park

Home Stretch Training Run

My final over 20 mile run was crazy hard, but better than I had expected. I was coming off a week of “weather”, with blowing snow and cold temps (in mid-April) so I was missing a few of my runs. It was also after vacation and the flu, so not a stellar 2 weeks.

I had run 4 miles the day before. It was great to be out there, again (albeit cold). I did feel it in my legs, though. It is amazing how quickly you can lose your fitness level.

I ran along the waterfront, and I’m excited that the bike path from my place out towards the Erie Canal is open. It means only being on a road (sidewalk) for a small amount of time. It also means I get almost a full run with no stopping to cross streets.

The first mile was rough, but it always is. Never judge how your run is going to be by the first mile or two!

I was in a groove and felt good. My nutrition was the homemade sports drink, a bottle made with NUUN electrolyte drink and the NOKA pouches. I tried mango-coconut this time and loved it! Fueling practice has been going well, and I think I have found my marathon nutrition magic.

It was FREEZING and windy by the water, and I can not express with words how sick I am of this weather. I love being outside in general, and living in the city usually gives me the opportunity for OPTIONS when it comes to my route. It SUCKS that the weather has been so crappy.

Around mile 18 I really slowed down. I wasn’t hitting any wall, per se, but I was looking forward to the run being over. My husband had 6 miles to cover for his half-marathon training and earlier in the day we had decided to meet up at his 3 mile mark and run our last 3 together.

Texting is wonderful, but so easy to miscommunicate. We thought our plan was solid. It wasn’t. He thought he was supposed to start at 5:30 to meet me at 6, I thought he was meeting me at 5:30 and we would finish at 6.

So when I texted him, “hey I’m close to where we are meeting” he hadn’t even left the house yet!!!

BUMMER! I had so been looking forward to meeting up, just to break up the monotony and see a friendly face after running alone for 20 miles.

He left and ran as fast as he could and met up with me about 1 1/2 miles from my finish and ran back home with me. It gave me a needed boost and I was able to finish stronger and faster. My goal had been to complete the 23 miles in 4 hours and I came in under that by 2 minutes.

Definitely wish he could join me on the course the last 2 miles and run to the finish with me, but that is a disqualifying deed at the Buffalo Marathon, so no go!

It is crazy to think this was my last over 20 mile run before the marathon. I feel like that is a milestone, so it’s good…just makes me nervous that I won’t be running any further than 14 miles from here to the end of May.

I adjusted my training so my long runs were mid-week, and now I’m having to figure out how to get my running mileage in sync with the marathon. Since we have a half-marathon next weekend, that will be start of long runs being on weekends and should take care of the discrepancies.

I’m getting excited for racing both the half and the full in the next few weeks. Training has given me a fun goal to work toward, and I’m looking forward to sharing with you how it goes!

What are your running goals for the near future? Do you enjoy training, or is it a means to an end?