Helpful Running Books

Recommendations from The Wrinkled Runner

Daniels’ Running Formula- Jack Daniels

This book was recommended to those of us who were in my RRCA Coaching Certification class. I found it VERY helpful when used hand in hand with the things I learned in the class. You can start building your own training programs with the information in the book.

You (Only Faster)- Greg McMillan

If you like to learn by example, you will find this book very useful. Greg uses his own half marathon training to guide you through the workouts and tweaks that you can make to make your plan more personal. What I like about the book is the ways that he shows you how to predict your race times…different workouts and when you should perform them during training.

The Science of Running- Steve Magness

You can really “nerd out” on this one! The first half of the book covers the science of our bodies and running. The second half shows you in detail how to plan your training around the science. Super in depth, and really interesting.

Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon- Brad Hudson (and Matt Fitzgerald)

Training for a race means dividing your running time into the most effective way possible. Starting out with an introductory phase, and then building a strong foundation and then honing in as the weeks get closer to the sharpening phase is how this coach lays out the training period. Lots of examples and training plans included in this book.

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